Room Service en Habitacion Hotel Palacio Villapanes

The seven golden rules to surprising your spouse with a five star hotel


Romantic trip Hotel Villapanés Palace Seville

Romantic trip Hotel Villapanés Palace Seville

In order to completely enjoy a five star hotel and at the same time leave an everlasting impression on your companion’s heart, you must propose a trip to a marvelous city and make sure that not only will the chosen hotel surprise him or her permanently… it should be more than that: it should fulfil the ´pleasures and naughtiness´ of the Seven Deadly Sins. Have we gone mad? Nope, keep reading… Read more

Christmas in Sevilla, an experience you should share

Sevilla Christmas

Sevilla Christmas

Sevilla is a city with deep roots and a long history of Christmas traditions that has learned to adapt itself to modern times in order to offer its people and visitors a bunch of activities, competitions and entertainment that mixes tradition with modern times and, without a doubt, provide an unforgettable experience.
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