“Tendiérosen en el suelo, y, haciendo manteles de las yerbas, pusieron sobre ellas pan, sal, cuchillos, nueces, rajas de queso, huesos mondos de jamón, que si no se dejaban mascar, no defenderían de ser chupados. Pusieron asimismo un manjar negro que dicen que se llama caviar y es hecho de huevos de pescados, gran despertador de la colambre”.
Chapter LIV (part II)
El Quijote 1615
Miguel de Cervantes
Sturgeon fish roe is called caviar when it’s used to be for human consumption. The sturgeon fish is a specie originating from the rivers and lakes of eastern Europe and central Asia. The high price of its roe, a true delicacy, is due to the rarity or limited availability of sturgeons.
During the Middle Ages, in Russia, consumption of caviar was something for the upper classes who ate caviar as a substitute fot meat on days of abstinence and fasting.
In the nineteenth century, caviar was on one hand a common food among the Russian aristocracy, and on the other hand “food for the poor” in the US. While the czars offered caviar to their most distinguished guests, in the United States, the first caviar producer in the world for its huge catches in the Delaware River, caviar was consumed by the lower classes, because of its low cost.
It was billionaire Charles Ritz, son of César Ritz, who consolidated the caviar consumption among the high society, by including caviar in their favorite dishes prepared by gourmet Chefs of his prestigious hotels.
The caviar and sturgeon we offer during our gastronomic days are born and grown in Riofrio, a town located in the south of Spain. Riofrio is one of the largest sturgeon fish farmers in the world and the first in obtaining an organic certification for sturgeon caviar.
These sturgeons belong to the species Acipenser Naccarii. It takes between 7 and 9 years to distinguish males from females and about 8 more years of growth and maturation are required to be able to extract the caviar.
The gastronomic days of caviar and sturgeon at our Los Rincones del Marqués restaurant will be celebrated until the end of July. You can taste the caviar in a very traditional way, such as a selection of amusebouche of Russian and Iranian caviar accompanied by Juve Camps Reserve or you can opt for starters, main courses and desserts inspired by the Andalusian cuisine, turned into more daring taste and texture combinations. Some examples are: microbrotes salad with blood orange coated in Ines Rosales cake with caviar. Or sturgeon loins cooked at low temperature with orange blossom water and Alma caviar by Riofrio. And not to forget… Rice pudding sponge cake with rosemary, vanilla oil and russian caviar.
During the entire month of July at Los Rincones del Marqués.
Book your table at +34 954 502 063.